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 Product-Compact unit-Water separation
Products include vacuum coalescence separation and separation in two ways. Coalescence-
separation equipment flows 50,100,150,200 liters per minute. Pressure 10Bar. With multiple safety protection.

Vacuum flow separation equipment upgraded 20,70,100,150,200 level per minute. Working pressure 10bar. Separation of liquid discharge means to manually or automatically selectable. With multiple safety protection. Prices to provide the above-mentioned pieces of equipment and the consumption of wearing parts.

     Welcome for more information, please click Purifiers

Company Name:Beijing Colorworld Technology Co.,Ltd  Website:http://www.color-world.com.cn
Add:No.220 Puandian,Xiangshan communtiy.  Post Code:100093  Tel:010-82595938  Mob:13683242717  Fax:010-82591983
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