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 Welcome to Colorworld Company!

With the demand of the environment protection and energy saving increased, filtration and separation technology have developed rapidly in various trades and industries for the decades. As a result, the number of filter manufacturer increased rapidly, but the quality grades of products vary greatly. How to choose quality, cost-effective products has been become the important issue for customers.

As a sale agent of international famous manufacturers, Colorworld provides users with high quality, cost-effective products and supporting services, including sizing, quality inspection, on-site problem diagnosis, results evaluation, non-standard products design and manufacturing. Welcome to browse the site content and please feel free to contact us if anything we can do for you!

Company Name:Beijing Colorworld Technology Co.,Ltd  Website:http://www.color-world.com.cn
Add:No.220 Puandian,Xiangshan communtiy.  Post Code:100093  Tel:010-82595938  Mob:13683242717  Fax:010-82591983
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